Governance of project management SIG 2010 Study Tour ‐ Directing of Project Portfolios: Good Governance of Change Initiatives
Purpose of the study (from the Project Charter):
The purpose of this study is to define a practical conceptual structure within which directors and their advisors can examine how to ensure good governance of their control of their project portfolio.
Intended outcomes from the study are:
1. Valuable insights for the participants,
2. Greater understanding for the wider Specific Interest Group.
This study builds on the Governance Specific Interest Group’s publications: Directing Change, and Sponsoring Change. It combines two further strands of work to contribute further to better governance of project management. These are Directing Portfolios and the Motivation of Directors.
New publication launch: Governance of Co-Owned Projects
How do you improve on perfection? That was the challenge facing the authors of a brand new APM publication, Governance of Co-Owned Projects, the successor to the highly-regarded Co-Directing Change publication. Building on the previous guide content, Governance of Co-Owned Projects is a direct response to the challenge of managing projects in an increasingly interconnected world, which includes the blurring of boundaries between government and non-government organisations, private enterprise, social enterprise, communities and individuals.
The guide is the latest in series of APM Governance SIG guides including Directing Agile Change. APM members can pre-order the book and claim their 10% discount by calling Turpin Distribution on +44 (0)1767 604951.