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Sohail Pradhan

United we lead

From my work experience as a project manager, I have come to understand that our key role is to consistently achieve successful project outcomes by using a methodology based on the nature of that project.

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Emma De Vita

What you need to know about AI right now

What effect is digital transformation having on project management practices, methods and skills? This is the subject of current collaborative research between the Advanced Project Management Research Centre and APM.

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Emma De Vita

Meet Ed Mason-Smith, APM’s Chartered Project Professional of the Year

What are the secrets to Ed Mason-Smith’s success? As Director of Project Services at his company CBO, and Chair of APM’s Channel Islands Branch, I asked him how it felt to win the APM award for Chartered Project Professional of the Year? “It feels amazing and pretty insane to have won.

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Spencer Hobbs

Symbiotic mentoring relationships

I joined the APM mentoring scheme (see how you can get involved with mentoring on the APM website) from its inception in early 2022, as I wanted to give back to the APM and the profession — this was certainly one of the best and personally most fulfilling ways of doing so.

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Dr Katherine Ingham

What are the barriers to effective governance?

Members of the Governance SIG recently came together to begin the first stage of what will be an ongoing conversation around the barriers to effective governance.

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Emma De Vita

Why pay transparency matters

For anyone interested in gender equality, APM’s new research report Developing Effective Interventions for Gender Equality in UK Construction Project Organisations, by Sara Hajikazemi, Giorgio Locatelli and Kate Lawrence, is a must-read.