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Liubov Liubov
Liubov Kaskova

Resilient risk management in agile projects

Risk management is essential for all projects and industries, but it’s important to build a continuing risk management process to be resilient, especially when taking into account our constantly changing environment (COVID, wars and political movements, large-scale involuntary migration, climate crisis, etc.

Richard Young (1) Richard Young (1)
Richard Young

NICe to see you

The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has laid out recommendations for a long-term investment strategy in the UK.

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Sara Ulrich

How to increase resilience

Sara Ulrich, Resilience and Wargaming Expert at PA Consulting, talks about what project professionals should be doing right now to up project resilience.

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Emma De Vita

A rail project with big hopes

The East West Rail line, which will form an arc between Oxford and Cambridge, is a great example of an infrastructure project that will boost the national economy by connecting clusters of expertise.