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AI’s role in reshaping project delivery

April was another huge month for artificial intelligence (AI), demonstrating its capability not only to innovate but also to transform traditional processes and workflows.

Handle with care: how to deal with perfectionism

Watch out for the perfectionists on your team, warns Greg Chasson, Associate Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Chicago, and author of the new book Flawed: Why Perfectionism is a Challenge for Management — they’ll need careful managing.

How the BBC is approaching AI in projects

Laura Ellis is Head of Technology Forecasting at the BBC and a speaker at the APM Conference 2024, where she will address the question, ‘Where’s the value in people?’.

CV Picture CV Picture
Robert Chapman

The PRACI matrix: your blueprint for realisation of a project’s objectives

The PRACI matrix I developed is a simple yet effective means of communicating to project team members who is accountable and who is responsible for completing specific tasks while at the same time conveying to those: who are required to participate in their preparation; who will be consulted; and those that are simply to be informed.