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Actions that get results!

Fantastic inspiring event organised by the APM Midlands Network on 27 June 2024 in Birmingham, showcasing Marcia Philbin, Hon.

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Hear from APM’s new President, Yvonne Thompson

The new President of Association for Project Management (APM), Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE DL, says getting to know members and helping achieve what they want from the organisation will be among her priorities as she steps into the role.

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APM Enabling Change IN podcast series, interview with Mark Vincent

APM Enabling Change IN podcast series: Change Management in Project Management🕑 28mins Anchor - listen and record your audio comments to add to the podcast   Beccy Gaitch from the APM Enabling Change Interest Network (IN) talks about change resistance with Mark Vincent, Owner at Applied Change Ltd.

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APM Enabling Change IN podcast series, interview with Jessica Leonard

APM Enabling Change IN podcast series: Change Management in Project Management🕑 8mins Anchor - listen and record your audio comments to add to the podcast   Beccy Gaitch from the APM Enabling Change Interest Network (IN) speaks to Jessica Leonard, a consultant at MiGSO-PCUBED, about how change management can help a project achieves its intended results and outcomes.