Navigating my MSc journey: project management in action
Landing in the UK to pursue my MSc in Project Management was a thrilling leap into the unknown.
Landing in the UK to pursue my MSc in Project Management was a thrilling leap into the unknown.
Recently, I re-watched the original Star Wars trilogy and whilst watching A New Hope, I was struck by the project management failures — in this blog I propose three ways that a project manager could have saved the Death Star.
The PRACI matrix I developed is a simple yet effective means of communicating to project team members who is accountable and who is responsible for completing specific tasks while at the same time conveying to those: who are required to participate in their preparation; who will be consulted; and those that are simply to be informed.
It’s easy to see the association that the profession of project management has with building and engineering.
Embarking on a new project is much like setting sail on uncharted waters.
Since 2019, the project profession has created an additional 190,000 UK full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs.
When managing any type of project, you must create and follow schedules, confirm that the quality of the final deliverable meets expectations and assess and plan for potential risks to ensure a good outcome.
Sarah Younger has spent her career leading big capital projects in the culture sector, including at the Tate galleries and the Royal Opera House.
Developing effective and beneficial stakeholder relationships is an essential skill for high-performing project managers.
As Paris gears up to host this year’s Olympic and Paralympic Games, the 2012 Stratford East Bank legacy project has some critical lessons learned to share.