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Fernande Van Schelle

Evolution and continuity

As a last board meeting, the November one was an inspiring meeting to end the year and my tenure on.

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Irene Swarbrick

Is it okay to use the "F" word in project management?

Well of course using the "F" swear word is not advised in many environments, and certainly not in everyday conversation! What I'm talking about is a word that is often just as controversial, and in fact many women hesitate to use it even though it's a word that offers a quick shortcut for describing what has been defined elsewhere as "a woman who supports other women".

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Andrew Hubbard

Change your mindset

Recently I have spent much time hearing and reading opinions on the APM 2020 vision a world in which all projects succeed.

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Fernande Van Schelle

Board intern role

In 2011 I was selected as the first APM Board intern and I am now reaching the end of my time on the APM Board.