A P3O? What's wrong with my Project Support Office?
The issue is – organisations don’t always manage their portfolio using recognised portfolio management processes or roles.
The issue is – organisations don’t always manage their portfolio using recognised portfolio management processes or roles.
If you don’t put effort into understanding the organisational culture in which you’re trying to deliver a project, you’re asking for problems.
There are a lot of negative associations around vanity projects.
In the summer, I presented on the overlap between the organisational needs of portfolio and earned value (EV) management at EVA16.
A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate to attend a Friday and Saturday APM forum in York.
It has been a busy time over the last few weeks with the APM: conferences, awards, elections, forums, AGMs and board meetings.
As our regular board blogger, Alistair Godbold, was unable to attend Septembers board meeting, Im pleased to be able to step into the breach for this month and give you an insight into the latest APM board meeting.
There are many types of assurance in the market, offered by many providers, covering many facets of delivery.
What does a global engineering company looking to develop their project management methods, a global manufacturing business introducing project management for their new product development lifecycle, and a national retailer going through a major and complex business transformation programme all have in common, apart from the obvious project management?Many businesses give considerable thought, investment and effort towards the professionalism of their project management community, and to determining and developing project management processes which are operationally fit for purpose.
How we work and communicate has changed radically in recent years, with significant numbers across society, including within the project management profession, now using devices that mean we can be in contact and carrying out work and other activities, 24/7, instantly and unrelentingly.