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The case for portfolio management

Not so long ago I was involved in a fairly extensive piece of research (the report eventually ran to over 50,000 words) for the Cabinet Office looking at the case for portfolio management.

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Scott Walkinshaw

Are the soft skills too soft?

Every few months the soft versus hard skills debate resurrects in the pages of Project magazine.

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James Simons

The real measure of success

Well, it has been another record year for GCSE pass rates the 23rd straight year in a row! When the decision was taken to merge O Level and CSE systems in 1986, few could have predicted that such consistently high results would follow.

How can we manage knowledge?

Knowledge management is a growing field, with many organisations developing a knowledge management department.

Are you wearing sector blinkers?

At APM, I get the chance to meet people in a wide range of organisations, all with a common interest in project management and how to do it better.