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Me Me
Gareth Pugsley

A celebration of volunteer day

As today is International Volunteer Day, I want to highlight how volunteering has benefitted me personally and my community.

Emily Fraser Emily Fraser
Emily Fraser

Can agile principles help business to become more sustainable?

ESG and sustainability can be overwhelming topics and you may think to yourself; where do you start? How can you create meaningful change?  Sustainable development is now very much a clear corporate priority, with legislative targets mandated by the UN and an ever-increasing passion to “do good” within our workforce.

Liubov Liubov
Liubov Kaskova

Resilient risk management in agile projects

Risk management is essential for all projects and industries, but it’s important to build a continuing risk management process to be resilient, especially when taking into account our constantly changing environment (COVID, wars and political movements, large-scale involuntary migration, climate crisis, etc.

Richard Young (1) Richard Young (1)
Richard Young

NICe to see you

The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has laid out recommendations for a long-term investment strategy in the UK.