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Achieving good form in project leadership: an ongoing journey

Having uncovered the core function of leadership in project delivery, to establish and support a collaborative collective of diverse stakeholders, the next big question is: how? What skills can we develop to enable, realise and release our personal potential in project leadership?   The relaunch of my book by APM Evolving project leadership is a chance to reflect on one of the key functions of project leadership: securing and fostering engagement from, and between stakeholders, who then actually deliver the project.

Managing projects across Bath’s UNESCO World Heritage sites

Project management in the heritage sector requires an interesting skillset – one that extends further than the typical toolkit of a project manager with PRINCE2 or similar training to include another set of skills that ensures the conservation of historic buildings is considered, or the heritage of a site / place / collection is understood and managed effectively.

The challenges in effective governance

On 9th May the APM Governance Interest Network once again put the collective membership’s brain to work to tackle some of the Barriers to Effective Governance raised in the previous webinar back in February: What are the barriers to effective governance? As always, it’s easy to come up with the challenges from experience, and much more difficult to pinpoint what to do about them.