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Creating successful programmes using benefits: A panel debate podcast highlights

A joint SIG podcast (highlights)Creating successful programmes using benefits: A panel debate podcast (highlights)🕑 9 mins Youtube - watch recording and write comments Anchor - listen and record your audio comments to add to the podcast   What defines a programme successful? And if we know this, how can we make it more likely to happen?A group of APM volunteers representing the Benefits and Value SIG (BV) and Programme Management SIG (ProgM) have met together to start this dialogue (etymology: Greek διά – through, λογος – words).

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New pathway to Chartered Project Professional status on the horizon

A new pathway towards gaining Chartered Project Professional (ChPP) status is set to be introduced on 30 September this year as Association for Project Management (APM), the only chartered membership organisation for the project profession in the world, continues to ensure the profession has a standard that is accessible and recognised globally as the required benchmark for project professionals to achieve.