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APM News

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Take part in the latest APM research on governance

APM’s latest research fund study is seeking participants to further the profession’s understanding of the role and boundaries of governance when it comes to the overlap between ‘owners and operators’ and ‘projects and programmes’.

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Grab your calendar for upcoming SIG conferences

A significant role of the APM community, made up of Branches and Specific Interest Groups (SIGs), is to provide high quality events that are accessible to all levels of our membership.


Developing the profession as a volunteer

Profile of an APM volunteer   Name: Jacob AchenbachJob title: programme lead - War on Waste, Rolls-RoyceMembership grade: AssociateVolunteer role: deputy chair and head of events, Midlands branch Why did you decide to volunteer with APM?I wanted to give something back to the industry.


APM Wessex branch PM Challenge November 2017

2 November was International Project Management Day and Wessex branch embraced this with their PM Challenge Knockout event featuring nine teams made up of apprentices and students, for many of whom English is not their first language.


Stakeholder Engagement

The Midlands branch were pleased to welcome Ian Cribbs on 1 November 2017, a founding member of the Stakeholder Engagement Focus Group (SEFG).