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The future of knowledge management conference

Our annual APM Knowledge SIG conference on Thursday 6 July 2017 was a roaring success! The theme for the day was the future of KM, with a focus on what the future might mean for the P3M profession.


Appetites for projects in a changing environment

Looking through the plethora of cranes from the advantaged height of London’s Shard tower, it’s hard to ignore the overwhelming contribution that high profile eccentric public projects of yesteryear have made to the skyline of today.

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APM Post-election briefing

APM’s External affairs team proactively monitor developments from across the world of politics and have produced a succinct briefing presenting the agenda of the new Government and the challenges it faces.

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Common misconceptions about project management

When you tell people you are a project manager, do they look at you blankly or assume you work in engineering or construction? Now APM is the Chartered body for the project profession, we want to raise awareness, as well as standards, so that people consider project management as a career of first choice.