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Apprenticeships: my story

Amy Brown, 19 years old, Project Management Apprentice Why did you decide to do a Project Management apprenticeship?  The first step for me was making the decision that I did not want to attend University.


New PMO SIG team for 2017-2018

I am very pleased to welcome the latest PMO Specific Interest Group team for 2017-2018! Following our first ever online vote, the team is refreshed and ready for an exciting year of PMO going hands on.


Avoiding Conflict Before it Arises

In a presentation hosted by the SWWE Branch at Exeter on 20 June 2017, Nick Fewings began with a brief background to his career in banking, his migration into project management and his development into a Chartered Psychologist, ultimately becoming Change Director in Barclays.


Apprenticeships: an employer guide

APM’s new guide to apprenticeships aims to help employers navigate the new apprenticeships levy and apprenticeships more generally.


Schedule quality: detailed analysis of the main metrics webinar resources

On Tuesday 27 June 2017 Franco Pittoni gave a webinar presentation 'Schedule quality: detailed analysis of the main metrics' put on by the APM Planning, Monitoring and Control Specific Interest Group, by the speaker Franco who is Director of FP Opera and recently co-founder of PIF (Process Innovation Forum).