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Unlearning - a vital step in the process of innovation and change webinar

  This was a joint The Nuclear Institute: Project Management SIG and APM’s three part Nuclear webinar series   How can we learn and innovate in a highly regulated and process-driven industry such as Nuclear? The secret may be unlearning, a process for freeing yourself from past assumptions, habits and ‘rules’ to enable you to adapt and change your behaviour for the very different requirements of the future.

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Is a project manager responsible for idiotic business-as-usual practices after they’ve moved on? Gremlins suggests you need to provide more than just operating instructions for those who follow you, writes Richard Young  Most project managers are familiar with that nervous feeling when you hand over your carefully nurtured project to the business-as-usual (BAU) operators – and you pray they’re not knuckle‑headed enough to ignore your carefully crafted guidance.

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Project Me: Biggest challenges of 2023

Do I love what I do? Ewelina Kruk, Associate Director, Incendium Consulting There are many aspects to consider when planning your next career step, but for me the most important question I ask is: do I love what I do? The beauty of being a project professional is that there are opportunities to change focus and pivot.